Thursday, March 8, 2018

Down With Cis

"Down With Cis"?

I ran across this statement recently, actually while watching a very well thought-out Youtube video by a young woman who was explaining why she, in her own words, "Stopped being an SJW". And it was, as she put it, in large part because of things like this slogan, which apparently is a favorite on places like Tumblr and Twitter, right up there with "I hate White People" and "Kill All Men". And while I'm eternally glad that I don't subject myself to the Echo Chamber of mass-stupidity that Tumblr (and even Twitter) can so often be, I saw this, and I just felt compelled to say something. Because, quite frankly, the sheer level of stupidity and irony in that statement just about floored me.

So....they are really saying...."Down With Nature"? Because being "Cis", a stupid term in the first place, IS Nature. Nature exists in a Binary. The VAST majority species on earth, but ESPECIALLY every single mammal on earth, IS "Gender Binary". Meaning MOST life on Earth is split into Male and Female. So if you hate Nature, and Science (the Study of Nature), then you....hate yourself? And the very substance of reality?

Saying "Down With Cis" is not only anti-intellectual and anti-science...but it's also just absurd. What do they want then? A world in which every single human being (allowed to live, that is), on the planet, "Transitions" and physically mutilates themselves, removing their natural reproductive organs (IE what makes them Male or Female), and just becoming a bunch of A-sexual creatures, incapable of reproducing? So they basically want one last human generation of "Trans-Only" people, and then for the entire human race to just die off, go extinct? Because THAT is what would happen, in that insane, laughable, nightmare scenario.

That is perfect snapshot of what the SJW movement really is. It is nonsense, it is insanity, and it is actually rather dangerous, because you have people actually TEACHING impressionable young minds this kind of ANTI-science, made up dumbass bullshit, in SCHOOLS? You actually have somehow accredited teachers at colleges, teaching kids things that fly in the face of actual facts and science, such as "There is no natural difference between genders", or that "white people are born racist". I know this because I've SEEN footage and read articles of it. And they're getting away with it. This kind of insanity is shaping the narratives, not just in America, but in Canada, in Australia, and in parts of Europe, at the very least.

It's dangerous, because you have an entire generation of young people growing up right now, having this kind of completely NON-factual, ANTI-Fact, ANTI-Science, ANTI-Common Fucking Sense BS shoved down their throats. Yet the SJW set are the ones screaming of "brainwashing", when it is quite obvious to anyone who actually bothers to think for themselves, and doesn't just exist in an "Echo Chamber", that it is the SJW culture that is actively trying to literally brainwash young minds.

People talk up being afraid of those on the Far-Right ignoring science and making up stupid bullshit, such as the Earth only being 4,000 years old, or that Pollution and Climate Change are a hoax and don't matter, as being dangerous, or that the world is actually FLAT, which they ARE. But the made up, stupid bullshit from the Far-LEFT is ALSO every bit as dangerous to the future of human society. If you are unable to recognize that fact, then I'm sorry, but you're blind. Extremism is extremism, and it's ALL pretty fucking scary. It is ALL a major threat that humans, as usual through our own insanity and ignorance, are now facing in the 21st Century.

There was this promise in the late 20th century, when I was growing into a young adult, that the 21st Century was going to be this bright land of potential and hope. That the future was bright, and that things were going to be BETTER going forward, than they had been in the 20th Century. The late 90s were a time of hope, because young people of THAT generation, like myself, had every reason to believe that the world WE were going to build, would be one that made all the difference. It would be a bright world, based on facts and empathy and reason. And yet, here we are, in 2018, with people on BOTH extremes of the spectrum, not just in America, but worldwide, whether because of religious, or social, or political reasons, regardless, acting like childish fools. Dangerous fools, all trying to shape the future of our world, into some dark, abysmal madness that, I shit you not, the human race will NOT survive, if we do the kind of things that either "side" wants.

Make no mistake about it, ladies and gentlemen, the future, any hope for a RATIONAL, sustainable future for the human race, is going to have to be in the hands of the few of us, who ARE rational, who DO think for themselves, who DO question and DON'T just go along to get along. A younger me might never have thought I would say this, but it is going to have be people more to the "Center" of things, who have the brains and common fucking sense, to push humanity in a smarter direction. But the one thing I believed as a teenager in the late 90s, that I absolutely still believe now, is that our REAL hope, lies in future generations, and teaching them to be BETTER than us. And THAT, my friends, is going to be one tall task, to desperately try and steer WHAT they are taught, into a more reasonable and grounded direction, and NOT allow them to be poisoned with the sheer lunacy that so many people in the CURRENT era seem to be.

"Down With Cis". Sorry folks, but if you find yourself spouting, or agreeing with, idiotic slogans such as this, then in all blunt honesty, you really should forfeit all claims to intelligence, let alone basic human empathy and decency. If you champion bullshit like that, you are NOT one of the "good guys", and you are in fact a HUGE part of our current problems. Food for thought.