Saturday, July 25, 2020

Remember David Dorn

You know an important story that has been buried under all of this mess, the last couple months? David Dorn. He was a retired black St. Louis police captain, who was shot by a black looter (otherwise known as an armed robber), during St. Louis "George Floyd" riots in early June.

This man was shot trying to defend his friend's pawn shop from literal criminals, and died, slowly, out in the street in the middle of the night, while people FILMED his death with their phones. But not one single asshole who filmed his death, USED their phone to call help for him. NO one tried to help him. He died, probably scared and alone, out in the street, while "virtuous protesting" rioters callously ignored him, or worse, filmed it and put VIDEO of it on the fucking internet, including Facebook Live.

This was a dude who served his community, for 38 years. He was a loyal friend who always checked in on his friend's shop any time the alarm would go off at night. And in doing so, in doing the RIGHT thing one night, some shitbag who was taking advantage of the riots, like so many others did, to rob his friend's store, fatally shot this man, and no one helped him, even though PLENTY of people were around.

What happened to George Floyd, and other incidents of excessive, even fatal police force, is wrong, and needs to change. It needs to stop. But the fact that so many "virtuous" liberals simply turned, and continue to turn, a blind eye to all the damage and actual evil coming out of all these "protests", because "oh the protesters are just expressing justifiable outrage". No, they aren't. Not like that. No amount of outrage justifies hurting people, KILLING people, damaging or destroying people's homes, their business, entire communities. That shit makes me sick, and so do the people who act like they support it.

It's one thing to demand ACTUAL justice and change, when wrongs like Floyd's murder occur. But where is David Dorn's justice? Yes, the alleged shooter was caught, and is being charge. But that isn't justice. Where is the justice for the people who stood around FILMING his death, instead of helping him, which could have saved his life? This man could, and should, still be alive today. He was a good man, doing the right thing, unlike most of the rioters in his city, looting 55 local businesses, burning buildings, hurting and even shooting people.

None of that speaks to "justice". No for George Floyd, whose own family has MULTIPLE times asked people not to loot, not to riot allow protests to turn violent. Not for racial, or if we're being honest, economic inequality, where all of this damage and ugliness is NOT making things better for poor people, but likely worse. And not for David Dorn, who was a good man, doing a good thing, being an island of sanity and morality, in a sea of neither.

You don't hear people talking about Dorn. You should. Because his name is JUST as important, and JUST as condemning, of this entire BLM firestorm, as George Floyd’s.

Remember David Dorn. Because he deserves that.

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