Friday, September 29, 2017

Methods of Communication

It's funny (but not surprising), that one key thing that gets lost in the ridiculous and sexist "Mansplaining" conversation, is the stereotypical fact that men supposedly learn to communicate the most via sharing ideas and information. In other words, explaining things.

Ever hear a little boy excitedly tell you all about something he just learned or something he really likes? Ever hear a conversation between boys, or even men, where they tell each other all about something, or share many "Did You Know?" facts with each other? Is that also "Mansplaining"? Or is that just how they learn to communicate.

Nevermind the fact that it is a very pointed, bigoted, nasty, and offensive word. Also nevermind the fact that many women "Womansplain" a lot of the time also, yes even to men. The point is that, perhaps, just perhaps, not everyone born with a dick is BEING a dick, and "Showing Their Privilege", when they try to share ideas or information with you. If they are telling you about something, or explaining something, it's entirely possible that they aren't AWARE you might already know about it, and they're simply sharing from what is to THEM a good place. It's how they learned to communicate. Perhaps there's actually zero gender-based malice attached to the act at all, and you're the one being a bigot for assuming that they MUST be "Mansplaining" to you.

That's about the same, and about as ignorant, as assuming that a woman is "on the rag" or "overly emotional", just because, again stereotypically, women learn to communicate more through, and about, their feelings. It's also just as offensive. Truth is, men communicate their feelings too, and women communicate ideas and information. But society tends to raise us to express ourselves and communicate with others one way or the other, based on gender norms. That does not mean that a man is "Mansplaining" to you because he tells you about something. And guess what? If he's doing it in a way that actually IS rude and actually IS him being a dick about it? Anyone can be an asshole. That is not gender specific.

Maybe more millennials would know that, if they took more actual Psych and Sociology courses in college, instead of (often contrived and biased) Women's/Gender Studies courses. They might also know that if they *GASP* bothered regarding each person as a person, and not simply part of their "Gender Group". Either way, the word "Mainsplain", and it's use, are at the core, both bigoted and offensive, and if you're actually serious about treating people as people, with Equality, then you'd understand that, and wouldn't use it.

But I'll stop "Mansplaining" to you now. IE Telling you anything at all whilst being male. 

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